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Thank You for Partnering with Us to Change Lives!
We are inspired knowing that the work we are doing in the lives of our learners in every project is essential to creating brighter futures and equal opportunities. We hope that, with your support, we can see the hope in South Africa recovered as we build on the principles of HOPE, DIGNITY, EQUALITY & OPPORTUNITY.
We look forward to partnering with you as we address long-standing needs in South Africa, one community at a time.
If we are to hope for a better future, we must commit ourselves to nurture the future in a way that gives the nation’s children the opportunity of building an inclusive tomorrow.
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Bank: ABSA
Branch: Pinetown
Branch Code: 632005
Account No: 4051929221
Account Holder: KwaCare
Swift Code: ABSA ZA JJ
KwaCare is registered as a Section 18(A) Public Benefit Organisation with SARS. As such, donations made to us are exempt from tax.
We also endeavor to keep abreast of the B-BBEE Act and are compliant with the requirements of the Act.
Donations made to KwaCare can qualify for B-BBEE points in Socio-Economic Spend.
Your donations are used wisely and strategically, and always for the utmost benefit of the people we serve. KwaCare is committed to total financial transparency and accounting excellence.
We are independently audited and tax certificates, in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act, are issued.
Our Annual Financial Statements and Annual Reports are available below, detailing what we’ve been able to achieve together with your help.
Audited Financial Reports
Annual Financial Statements 2023
Annual Financial Statements 2022
Annual Financial Statements 2021
Annual Financial Statements 2020
Annual Financial Statements 2019
Annual Financial Statements 2018
Annual Financial Statements 2017
Annual Financial Statements 2016
Annual Financial Statements 2015
Annual Financial Statements 2014